Can I recycle the packaging and containers? 

Yes. Our boxes are made from certified fse cardboard, produced in England, and our jars and bottles are made from glass. both are widely recycled. The lids can be recycled too.

Do you test on animals?

Absolute not and we only buy ingredients from suppliers with cruelty free certification.

Do your products contain alcohols?

No. our products do not contain any Ethyl alcohols that can often dry skin or cause skin irritation.

Do you ave any vegan products? 

Yes, face cleanse. We hope to add more to our collection soon.

What is the shelf life of products?

All products have a best before date printed on the container. Once opened most products will stay fresh for approximately 6 months. To ensure your products stay fresh, we recommend storing them in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. We store all products in dark amber glass containers which help to preserve your product further. read more 

I've received a product that I'm not happy with.

We are sorry that you are not happy with your product. Please get in touch via email and we promise to do all we can to help.

email: hello@wildbeingskincare.co.uk

Still have a question not on this list?

We would love to hear from you. Please email: hello@wildbeingskincare.co.uk and we will get back to you as soon as we can.